is not always an easy task. If you have tried filing your taxes yourself, you have probably learned this. The truth is tax laws are complicated, and even seemingly simple tax returns can be confusing. Even if you utilize tax software programs, it is all too easy to overlook deductions and credits you are entitled to. A tax preparation service like A&B CONSULTING SERVICES can be a valuable asset. Our tax preparers and tax consultants can professionally prepare your taxes while offering insights into law changes that might affect you, your business and your future.

Tax Preparation Service for Businesses and Individuals

Whether you are a full-time employee at a large corporation, an independent contractor, or a business owner; selecting the right firm to prepare your taxes is crucial to getting the most out of your returns. From individual tax preparation to corporate tax preparation, A&B CONSULTING SERVICES can help with the following type of returns:

Business tax preparation – corporate, LLC, etc.
Tax returns for individuals
Estate tax returns
Maximize Your Tax Returns With Our Tax Preparation Service

Our tax services focus on maintaining profitability and capitalizing on any new opportunities. At A&B CONSULTING SERVICES, we steer you closer to these goals with over four decades of experience. Our tax preparers stay on top of the latest tax laws and regulations so you can be confident that you are not missing out on any money-saving opportunities. Our tax preparation services include:

– AMENDED Returns
– ITIN Number


Disclaimer: A&B Consulting Services is not a law firm, does not hire lawyers and cannot give legal advice. This website and the services provided by A&B Consulting Services not a substitute for legal advice from a qualified lawyer. You should always consult with a qualified lawyer for all your legal needs.

We are not CPAs – we are enrolled agents. Our enrolled agents are tax professionals who have demonstrated technical competence in the field of taxation. They are authorized by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before all administrative levels of the Internal Revenue Service for audits, collections, and appeals.

We Specialize in TAXES Only